Projects: Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan

  • Investment
    £50,000,000 +
  • Location
    Wednesbury Town Centre

The new Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan sets out an ambitious blueprint for the next 10-15 years and sets out the priorities to revitalise the town centre as the vibrant heart of Wednesbury. 
The Wednesbury masterplan is part of a £3bn investment plan that will see many places across Sandwell transformed, creating new investment, training and jobs for local people while breathing new life into our historic town centres.  

Residents, retailers, businesses and visitors are passionate about Wednesbury and we have used their feedback to deliver the Wednesbury Masterplan which will guide how the town centre change in the future.  Please see the Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan video here:

This masterplan is a positive step for Wednesbury and celebrates its proud heritage. 

Sandwell Council’s Cabinet approved the Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan at their meeting on 17 July 2024.  

The following vision and aims have been developed based on the feedback we received and recognising the need to make sure that change is balanced with making the most of the town centre’s existing strengths and character. 

Masterplan Vision  

“The town centre will be revitalised as the vibrant heart of Wednesbury, a historic Black Country market town with a proud heritage, and a contemporary place where people live and work that supports the needs and wellbeing of local communities.   

Wednesbury will boast a distinctive visitor experience that will combine shopping with a diverse evening economy and cultural offer that welcomes a broader range of visitors from across Sandwell’s communities.” 

Masterplan Aims

  • A welcoming and inclusive town centre with attractive arrival spaces, better safety, good quality and easy to use signage to ensure everyone knows where they’re going, and a unique character based on the identity and history of Wednesbury.
  • A well-connected place which is easy to get to and around, has better links to the West Midlands Metro, is well connected with surrounding areas and neighbourhoods to make it easier for people who want to walk, cycle, take the bus or tram as well as those who need to drive.
  • A transformed local environment with better quality public spaces that people will want to spend time in, fill in the gaps between buildings, bring vacant buildings back into use, more greenery, better connections between the town centre and green spaces and greater resilience against the effects of climate change, extreme weather and flooding.
  • A consolidated and strengthened retail offer with a greater range of shops all close together, more independent businesses and an expanded evening, cultural, community and leisure offering providing more things to do in the town.
  • A diversified mix of land uses including higher density residential development – such as apartments and townhouses – places for startups, performance spaces, more employment opportunities and housing options for older people.
  • An active and vibrant place in the daytime and evening with high footfall in key retail streets, active ground floor uses and spill out spaces, and activities taking place in public spaces with more events, markets and pop-ups.

The Masterplan has been developed with funding from the Government as part of a partnership between the Council and the Government. It is part of the Levelling Up Partnership overseen by the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership Board.

Download The Wednesbury Town Centre Masterplan here:

Further Information

Download the Masterplan FAQs  here:

Thank you to everyone who has participated in consultation and engagement that has informed the Masterplan development.  You can view a summary of the consultation findings here:

Find out more about the Wednesbury Levelling Up Partnership here