Projects: Wednesbury Greenspaces

  • Investment
  • Timeline

    Start: January 2024

    Delivery: March 2025

  • Location

This project aims to enhance four existing green spaces in Wednesbury to improve safety, quality, and accessibility and to provide additional activities. This will bring physical and mental health benefits and improve walking routes.

Much of the investment into Green Spaces within Sandwell has been focussed on the main Town Parks.  All of these Town-level sites have achieved the Green Flag award to highlight their quality and success.  We want to level up neighbourhood and local level green spaces that are important to residents who do not have access to borough level parks.

This project will see a host of improvements across four green Spaces with the lowest quality scores in Wednesbury:

Hydes Road Playing Fields

  • Refurbished Changing Rooms
  • Car park improvements
  • Improvement to football pitches
  • New Bins, Benches, Picnic Benches and Signage.
  • tree planting (native species) and wildflower planting to improve biodiversity

Balls Hill Open Space (work commenced)

  • Upgraded Footway
  • Improved furniture and infrastructure
  • Signage
  • Upgraded Children’s Play Area
  • New planting scheme 

Wyntor Lane Open Space (work commenced)

  • New Footway
  • New community garden
  • Improved furniture and infrastructure
  • Signage & Interpretation
  • New planting scheme   

Lakeside and Norbury Road Open Space (work commenced)

  • New and resurfaced footways
  • Improved furniture and infrastructure
  • Signage
  • New planting scheme   

Progress Update July 2024

  • Work has now commenced at Wyntor Lane Open Space and will be followed by the work at Lakeside and Norbury Road Open Space.
  • We are in the procurement phase for Balls Hill Open Space.
  • Initial designs are being prepared for Hydes Road Playing Fields and will be shared with residents, users of the playing fields and partners. Have your say on the Hydes Road consultation. You can provide your feedback on the Hydes Road Playing Field Proposals through our survey. To complete the survey, click here.