Long Term Plan for Towns

In October 2023, Smethwick was named as one of 55 towns to receive £20million endowment style funding from Government over a 10 year period to invest in local people’s priorities. To access the funding Sandwell will produce a Long-Term Plan for Smethwick based on local priorities, developed by a board of community representatives engaging with local people.

The Long-Term Plan is to comprise the 10-year vision for Smethwick and a 3-year investment plan, setting out how the funding will be allocated and spent, with Sandwell Council as the body ultimately accountable for the funding.

The funding is to be focused around three investment themes: –

The Long Term Plan is to be driven by local people and local priorities and as such public engagement and consultation will be required throughout the development of the plan. More information can be found on the Smethwick Long Term Plan project page. Details of engagement opportunities will be posted on the websites ‘Get Involved’ page.

The Smethwick Partnership Board
A Smethwick Partnership Board has been established and will oversee both the Smethwick Town Deal and the Long Term Plan Programmes.

The Smethwick Partnership Board comprises a wide range of key stakeholders from community, business, voluntary, public-sector and faith organisations as well as local councillors, the MP, and the Police & Crime Commissioner. All board members are required to read, sign and complete the Code of Conduct.