Projects: Grove Lane Masterplan

  • Investment
    £100,000,000 +
  • Location

The Grove Lane area is one of Sandwell’s key regeneration areas, with a vision of transforming the former industrial land into a new, well connected residential community. With the current construction of the new Midland Metropolitan University Hospital almost complete, the proposals for the Grove Lane area seek to create a residential led environment that provides a range of housing to suit the needs of the local residents, access to public transport and a local school and making best use of the canal and green spaces.

The Grove Lane Masterplan was prepared alongside the Smethwick to Birmingham Corridor Framework with both documents being approved by the Council in February 2022. The Development Framework and Masterplan have been prepared jointly by Birmingham City Council and Sandwell Council working with the West Midlands Combined Authority, Transport for West Midlands, Homes England, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust and the Canal & River Trust to ensure that all the stakeholders aspirations are met from development within this key corridor.

The Framework outlines a vision and guiding principles for the area as well as setting out the transport strategy that will help in delivering development on key opportunity sites. The Grove Lane Masterplan, however, provides more detail for the area immediately adjoining the hospital, outlining how this area can be redeveloped to provide over 800 much needed new homes, a new school and an improved environment over the 18 hectares of brownfield land.

The masterplan includes indicative designs for the various land parcels, how these connect with the existing urban structure and where access to the existing and proposed green space can be made. It also includes improving accessibility to and usage of the canal network for recreation, leisure and transport.

View the Grove Lane Masterplan 2022 here