Projects: Ron Davis Centre Expansion

  • Investment
    £360,000 consisting of 100% Towns Fund
  • Timeline

    Start: July 2022

    Delivery: January 2024

  • Location
    Ron Davis Centre, Ballot Street, Smethwick B66 3HH

The Towns Fund funding will expand the Sandwell Adult and Family Learning Service (SAFL) Ron Davis Centre by providing two additional specialised digital classrooms.

This Scheme is complete!

The construction of two new classrooms at the Ron Davis Centre in Smethwick completed in August 2023. The construction of the expansion was completed by local company, E Manton Building Contractors, who are based in Birmingham.

The expansion of the Ron Davis Centre will increase capacity, provide a wider range of services and activities, often into the evenings and weekends, to help meet the needs of Smethwick families and the wider community. In creating a vibrant community hub through the provision of additional multipurpose space, closer working with partner organisations is realised, with a wider and more inclusive age range of users.

In creating a vibrant community hub through the provision of additional multipurpose spaces, the Ron Davis Centre will be able to work more closely with partner organisations to access the facilities and enable work with a wider and more inclusive age range. SAFL will provide:

  • Adult Learning activities
  • Family learning inter-generational activities
  • Access to the site for school pupils at all ages and levels
  • Access to the site for Youth Services
  • Comprehensive Information, Advice and Guidance to all ages
  • Active targeting of careers advice to groups at risk / less represented in opportunities; those in alternative provision; BAME; care leavers; offenders; home educated and at risk of becoming NEET 

For more information, visit

Deliverable: Status:
15 temporary Full Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs supported Achieved (21 FTE jobs supported)
1 Full Time equivalent Permanent job created through the project  Achieved 
2 new classrooms constructed Achieved August 2023
1,100 learners assisted  393 learners assisted since August 2023 

Case Studies

Hear from learners who have completed learning courses at the Ron Davis Centre. 

The Ron Davis have an upcoming event – see details here.