Projects: Canal Network Connectivity

  • Investment
    £2,550,000 consisting of £2.3million Towns Fund and £250,000 co-funding from Sustrans
  • Timeline

    Start: June 2022

    Delivery: April 2025

  • Location
    Old Main Line Canal (Oldbury) and Dudley No.2 Canal (Rowley Regis)

The strategic aim of the project is to improve active travel connectivity within and across Rowley Regis.

This will be achieved through improvements to the canal towpath surface and the access points onto the canal from surrounding areas. Whilst this project falls primarily under the Connectivity programme described within the Towns Fund guidance, it will also deliver significant economic, social (health) and environmental benefits.

The project will focus on two areas of canal within Rowley Regis Old Main Line Canal & Dudley No.2 Canal. Although both areas appear to be separate, they are in fact connected by the Netherton Tunnel and part of the Birmingham Canal Navigations (BCN) which provides connections to the UK’s inland waterway network.

The project Full Business Case was approved by Government in March 2022. The project team have almost completed the improvement works. 


  • 20 temporary Full Time (FT) jobs supported during project implementation
  • 7.13km new cycle ways
  • 7.13km pedestrian paths improved

Improvements to access points are underway

Canal Towpath has been resurfaced to become more user friendly

The line of the new towpath on Gower branch has been marked out.

A temporary towpath closure is in place on the Gower branch.

Vegetation has been cut back to the rear of the towpath.